We extend a warm and friendly welcome to families! Our Welcome team can be identified with Red lanyards and a name badge so please ask them if you have any questions, and let them know if you have any children with additional needs. We will do our best to help you and your family feel welcome.
Children on Sunday
Our gathering on Sunday at 10am begins with everybody together in Church and we have a time of lively worship together for about 15 minutes before the kids head out to St G’s kids. Some family groups prefer to stay together in the service and that’s fine too!
Babies and young children
We love to have babies and young children in the church and we are used to them moving around and participating in the service. Sometimes parents like to use the “Rainbow Room” nursery that is a soundproof space, with windows to the main church space, and has the service available through our sound system. On Wednesdays check out Baby Cafe and Tots Time (registration required).
Youth Group typically meets Fridays – info is here.
We encourage our young people to find a place in the church where they can serve, such as helping with the younger kids, or being in the music group or the audio visual team. Get in touch using the contact form if you’d like to find out more.